... living in a world where being kind is the norm.
The Sentient Animal Law Foundation shows 'how' a simple 3-word law reform​
turns the science of 'positive animal welfare' into our laws, policies and practices to
give a life enjoyed, not just endured
"For every thousand hacking at the leaves, there is one working on the roots."

Our societal rulebook - laws, policies and agreements - shapes the world we share and our quality of life.
The modern science of the 'Five Domains' validates that animals, like people, experience not just pain but also positive states of pleasure, comfort, and interest.
The Sentient Animal Law Foundation is the only organisation in the world showing 'how' a simple three-word law reform turns the science of 'positive animal welfare' into action creating laws and policies that give a life enjoyed, not just endured.
The reform updates existing anti-cruelty standards and builds sustainable social, economic, and environmental frameworks that provide lasting benefits for animals and people and our shared planet. ​
With the 3 words - 'and positive states' -
you get a rulebook that's fit for our modern society and a world facing global-sized challenges
Law is unique as a change management tool, and the Foundation reveals the 3-word update to existing anti-cruelty law which gives us genuinely ‘modern’ animal welfare law and turns scientific insights, sustainability goals, and green economy initiatives into enforceable realities and meaningful change.
The Foundation has already been instrumental in implementing the 3-word law reform in Australia. So it’s not just doable, it’s done - and it’s replicable in wider legislation, supporting policy and international agreements.
​The 3-word update provides a common platform for governments, industries, NGOs, professionals, and individuals seeking pragmatic and economic solutions to elevate animal welfare standards.
It also addresses animal-related issues like antimicrobial resistance, biodiversity loss, and climate change, aligning efforts with critical 2030 and 2050 sustainability goals.​​
Click on the icons below to find out more about key stakeholders we work with

The 3-word update (“and positive states”) that delivers genuinely 'modern' animal law:
Provides the quickest pathway to pragmatically giving animals a good life using policy and law to make today’s standards of best practice, tomorrow’s norm.​​
Reveals ‘how’ to turn modern science into real-world actions that sustainably align the human-animal-environmental relationship.
Enables changemakers in all sectors to move beyond anti-cruelty baseline minimum standards with positive animal welfare policies and laws that support initiatives addressing sustainability, biodiversity loss, antimicrobial resistance and climate change.
Supports changemakers, lawmakers, industry, and the community in implementing real-world change with positive welfare policy and law that translates commitments into meaningful outcomes, fostering trust and collaboration.
Advances the social licence from simply 'don't be cruel' to actively “do be kind,” reflecting the higher standard of expectations for the human-sentient animal relationship.
For those seeking modern animal law and meaningful solutions, the question is NOT "Are animals sentient?"
For those seeking modern animal law and meaningful solutions, the question is NOT about whether we should legally 'recognise' animals as sentient. Animals were implicitly recognised as sentient, and that question was answered, 200 years ago when lawmakers affirmed that animals feel and experience, paving the way for anti-cruelty laws to protect animals from experiencing unnecessary suffering.
The real question now is: 'Will we take responsibility not just for their negative states, like suffering, but ALSO for their positive states—comfort, interest, and pleasure?'
​Recognising the inseparable nature of the human-animal-environmental relationship, it becomes crystal clear why the answer to this question defines their quality of life—and ours—today and for generations to come.