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Library Books


Law, and law reform, hinges on facts and evidence. 

Below you'll find links to, and copies of, publications, submissions to public consultations, and other resources that you can reference and adapt.


Future plans are to develop a database of experts, materials, and evidence. So check back often and do please send us your ideas for further development. Although these things take time, it's probably stating the obvious that we achieve the outcomes faster when working together.


​(In addition to working together to build the resources together, take a look at the "Get Involved" page on this website for additional ways we can work together to give animals a life enjoyed).

Writing on Computer

Positive animal welfare law elevates acceptable animal care by requiring those responsible for animals to provide opportunities for positive experiences while continuing to minimise negative ones.


The key to positive animal welfare is providing choice, allowing animals access to positive states, such as comfort, interest, and pleasure. For example, not all animals may seek the shelter of a tree, but the opportunity to do so ensures their needs are met.


This approach reflects the shift from merely avoiding harm to fostering a life where animals can thrive, aligning with modern science, societal expectations, and ethical practices.


There are 3 key inclusions to clearly implement positive animal welfare into your policy, law and agreements.

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Words and phrases within law establish legally enforceable responsibilities upon those within the jurisdiction to which the legal rules apply.


The responsibilities (i.e. ‘duties of care’) mandate what people must do, and must not do, in terms of behaviours. In turn, people’s individual and collective behaviours result in personal, community and global consequences. Ensuring legal responsibilities accord with societal needs and targeted outcomes are among the unique purposes of ‘law’.


This section provides a quick reference guide to fundamental terms used within animal welfare law.


We've published, forwarded submissions, and presented widely on the subject of animal sentience and positive animal welfare law.


At the link below are some of our selected picks chosen because they cover the key terms, concepts and issues relevant to the law reform advocated by SAL.

As a Foundation ...

...we have a commitment to education, lobbying and collaborative assistance with organisations whose objectives are aligned with the concept of a legislative definition of sentience that creates positive animal welfare law, thereby making it “the law” to give animals a life enjoyed, not just endured.


And we are always wanting to trumpet our message.


So, if you've got a conference, webinar, professional development program, board meeting, multistakeholder event, summit, convention or similar where the subject of a legal reform that turns positive animal welfare into law might fit as a topic, then we'd love to participate if we can.

Image by Terren Hurst
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